Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Cape Town Random pics


We saw this bunny and his mate hanging out at a parking lot in Tableview!

Mushrooms in the forest

Ah, sweet romance in the forest!

errr, wooden fire extinguishers in the forest! Just throw on the fire to put it out!

Dad, Koob and I popped down to visit Dave's mom, Muriel, for some of her delicious burgers anhd calamari in Hout Bay. Yum!

African ingenuity - a lift that goes sideways!

Angela came along for an exciting day hunting gold and geocaches. We didn't find gold, but we did find the cache, after many fiendish clues!

Where is that clue now?

Ready for take-off!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

those pale trees are quite eerie!! Nice to see good old Angela - she's looking well. Always a trooper for a cache.