Thursday, 2 July 2009


After Zsizso's party, I was delighted to be dragged off to Stonehenge for the summer solstice festival. We left London at midnight, and after 2 hours driving, were thrilled to queue for 2 hours more to get parking, so we got to Stonehenge at 4AM. It was all lit up in blue lights as we drove past, but by the time we got there, it was getting light already, so we missed the druidic rituals.
As I thought I was just going to a party, I did not have my camera, so thanks to Zsuzsi for the photos, although her batteries died too.

The place was packed, with record crowds of 36 000!

What a funky and charming lass this was!


Me, Zsuzsi, and her ex-housemate JJ

The drum circle. We did a lot of hanging out here and dancing to the drums, and the ululating!

This lady came in Elizabethan prostitute outfit!

The Stonehenge solstice is the only day of the year that one is able to walk amongst the stones and touch them. What a priveledge to be able to do so!

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