Tuesday 3 August 2010

Camping Miscellaneous

Check out this gorgeous hotel/pub!

There was a funky old plane flying back and forth over the sea. As we wacthed, the back opened up and a crate on a parachute fell out, followed by about 10 parachutists, who all then tried to land as cllose to the crate as they could. It was great to watch, as the last guy to jump had a lost of distance to cover, so it was quite a challenge. This happened twice, must have been some army training exercise. How many parachutists can spot below?


Ahhhh, look, a Sally lookalike. This dog was a Jack Russell though.
The owners were puzzled why I was calling her Sally all the time!

Funky beers

Woah, don't try and take a photo standing by this sign, you never know what might happen!

Corfe Castle

Oooh exciting! Seen in Corfe

Corfe is the most delightful, old fashioned little town, with some charming medieval buildings. Darn that bread carrier for ruining the shot.

Man, I felt like a photographer lieing in a swamp for 3 hours, trying to get that elusive shot, of this building with no cars driving in front.

Corfe Castle in the background

1 comment:

Graeme said...

man, that dog does indeed look just like Sally!! What a beautiful little village. Your 3 hours of lying in the "swamp" paid off.