Sunday 22 August 2010


At work they had a bit of a photo session with the staff. Here are the pics of me.


Graeme said...

These are classic!! They capture you cheeky spirit. I couldn't help myself - I blogged them with my own spin on things. Anything for a bit of humour. There are a couple of stories on the blog that you might enjoy. I've been trying my hand at a little writing. Hope to talk soon / G

M. R. said...

Hi! Your photos are truly amazing; I have enjoyed traveling vicariously through them. I am in the process of self publishing a book (a short work of fiction), and the Battersea Bridge features predominantly in it. Your foggy photo would be absolutely perfect for the cover, and I was wondering if you would allow me to use it, and if so, what your terms would be. Please let me know whether or not you would be interested, and how to contact you.
M. Reilly

Unknown said...

Love those photos of you, Rust! Want to see the real face soon, hey! Mom