Thursday 14 October 2010

The Cotswolds 2

First day there, and it was off for some driving around the country.

Here are the Kings Men, a standing stone circle. Just down the way are the whispering knights, and across the road, the king himself. Apparently the knights were conspiring against the king, and the Kings men defended him, but they all turned to stone anyway. I forgot the specifics, was a long time ago!

Funky hedge


This was a really interesting sculpture, if you could call it that. The top section was loosely attached with just one nail, and would freely wobble and rotate in the breeze.

An old country pile

The Broadway Tower, a grand sight!

Sweeping country views

Tower window

At the tower was an old nuclear observation bunker, one of only 20 remaining in good nick, from 1500 originally. We got to go on a tour inside.

Descending into the earth

Say good bye before you get locked in!

Hmm, pretty drab inside, just one game of draughts to while away a nuclear winter!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Good to see a picture of Zanny. She looks nice.