Wednesday 20 October 2010

The Slaughters

Just a short walk from Bourton on the water are the villages of Upper and Lower Slaughter. In case you are wandering, there was no mass murdering going on here, slaughter is olde English for a swampy place.

On the walk there, we saw this really interesting wall, made out of old mill wheels!

Upper Slaughter Manor, most impressive place to live!

I was trying to take a phooto of the sheep in the background, but my camera insisted on focusing on this leaf. I liked the photo anyway.

Ah, here are the sheep now. Check out mr Baa Baa Black Sheep

Slaughter church

Really funky chimney design!

In case you were wandering, it was rubber duckies!

We were really glad to have visited such a historic site!

The old mill, now a charming gift shop.

Lower Slaughter. We popped into the town hall, which had a large tapestry of the village from 1880. What was great to see is that the only thing that had changed in the village, was the newly planted tree back then was now fully grown!

Interesting church decoration. Here Zanny had a nother discussion with the church warden, who interestingly enough, is not a bit beleiver in traditional christianity, and far prefers general spirituality, and Dan Brown style views on Christianity.

Ah cute, well trained badgers!

Hmm, witches and the Grim Reaper storage room?

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