The first thing one should do whenever you arrive in a new city, is see if there are any protest marches you can join. It really gets you in the locals good books! So after having arrived in Athens the day after the violent riots,within hours I was attending the protest marches, but luckily no violence this time!

Got to admire this enterprising chap, trying to sell his breads to the mobs! Kind of reminds me of Cut-me-own-throat Dibbler from Discworld!

This is the bank that was set alight where 3 people were burned to death. Mourners pay their respects.

On guard outside parliament

The lighter side of riot patrol

The slightly gay, come-hither look side of riot patrol - is that a gun in your pocket you are busy fondling, or are you just glad to see me?

The "I'm dead sexy" side of riot patrol

Full shin guards - chicks dig them!!

Pretty cool graffiti

Alison, who I met in Morocco last year, arrived in Athens a short while after me, and of course was keen to do some protesting too.

Alison really impresses by grabbing a spare flag and joining in like a champion.
This has cost her dad a pretty penny, as he had a bet that Alison would never do that, so thanks to this handy photographic evidence, he owes her mom $1000 and her brother $500.
Pay up dad!!!
Another positive of the whole experience is that we were not tear-gassed - NICE!
You certainly know how to find the action, Rusty! Why not start your own action column in a local mag/newspaper! Love the shots of the riot police, Heather
that shot of the riot policeman fondling his crotch is a classic.
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