Saturday 29 May 2010

Scenic Santorini - Fira

We stayed 3 days on Santorini, which was the most beautiful, gorgeous and sexy of the the 3 islands we visited. It is a sort of horseshoe shaped island, surrounding a smaller island in the middle of the semi-circle, on which is an active volcano. The whole island used to be one normal island, but half of the middle sunk due to volcanic activity.

Santorini from the sea. The main towns are all perched atop the spectacular cliffs, with all the white houses looking a bit like a snowy covering.

We stayed in the main town, Fira which is the collection of white houses seen in the background.

Santorini is full of charming little blue and white churches, the typical Greek scene.

Mama Thiras, our local restaurant. We got a bit jovial with some Canadian friends one night, and the chef had to come and tell us to keep it down! Ooopsie!

View from just behind where we stayed


Hmm, Greek food in Greece is soo much better than any Greek restaurant I've been to. We tended to stick to eating starters, as they were so delicious and filled us up pretty well! Any eggplant dish was our fave, and the local speciality is deep fried feta - eat it quick or it gets a bit rubbery!

The volcanic island in the middle of the horseshoe shape island circle.

Nuns on the run

Ah, very kind, they number the stairs on the way up from the old harbour

Alison contemplates the view

This church vies with one other in Ia for the most famous postcard church in Santorini, just behind from our hotel.

I only had ice-cream 2 or 3 times in Greece, but I found it far superior to any ice-cream tried in Rome. The fact that it was made by an Italian is besides the point!
And what better way to enjoy ice-cream that to share with such a lovely lady!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

What a fine looking Island!! Quite a bizzare but beautiful landscape. And yes, the white houses do look a bit like snow!