Wednesday 26 January 2011

Oz animals

One of the best things about Australia is the many cool animals.

Kookabura sits in the old pine tree, merry merry king of the bush is he!

Found this friendly dude in a reserve in Sydney while our caching. We had a good long photo session. He can sometimes be hard to spot with his camo!

Graeme and I took a walk on the mangrove swamp boardwalk. Below, the mud was covered with hundreds of tiny crabs, all sorts of shapes and colours - really intersting to watch!

You are going to need some big shoes!

These friendly cocatoos are all over the place! We heard of one who lived with a family, but didn't like females much, and would remove the pegs from the clothes on the line, but only the wifes, so her clothes would fall on the ground - clever bird!

The Sydney botanical gardens are full of massive fruit bats. I found this little youngster at ground level for a friendly photo session - although he would hiss at e every now and then - check those wings!

Awwwww shame!!!

Going for a walk!

Big guys up top

The giant Otway snail

It Otway there were plenty of Koalas, we must have seen about 15, just chilling in the trees. This mom and her baby were so cute! Koalas have 2 thumbs on each hand for gripping the trees. The big question is, how much can a koala bear?

In the tiny town of Timboon, we were also lucky enough to see a koala walking across the road! I first thought it was a wombat, and Susie thought it was a Cairn terrier or a cat!

Koala zen.
Lucy, the mad cow!

A lorikeet

Oo-eer, stay away! Some fiendish type of lizard

Susie's dog, Xena. What a charmer!

Boet and Lucy's cat, Button

One of the highlights of Australia was a guided walk around a animal sanctuary at dusk. Having this python try and slither up my shirt sleeve was not a highlight though!

Lucy feeds a Wallaby - they are so soft and friendly and cute, and their little claws grip nicely on your hand while they eat. Everyone should have one!


The Kangas were way cool too, and much softer than one would think. They are so hilarious to watch bouncing all over the place, especially across the pond - crazy guys!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Those photos of the lizard and the bat are the bomb. I can't believe you got to see a bat so close! Normally theyre at the top of trees.