Friday 22 April 2011


I went to Barrydale for the weekend with the Hurd Herd, and other friends. Besides running out of petrol in the middle of nowhere at 9PM it was a great weekend :o)

One of the best things about Barrydale is the fact that Van Loveren is there, one of the best wine estates in all the land, so we all flocked there for gallons of free wine and hot home made sweetcorn fritters! Its nice to know some things have not changed since our varisty days!

Warren and Rachel

Dana and Corrine sample some of the sweetcorn frittters.

Brandon and Kayleigh

Ah lots of free wine, what a great sight!

Hey Ally, Charlotte is a bit young for wine!

Awww, the second best doggie in the whole wild world!

We stayed in a huge old farmhouse, with the traditional ruined car outside, making for some great photo opportunities.
Hey, wake up there Kayleigh!

The old farmhouse

The force is strong in this one, Master Obi Wan

Stuffing around on a mini-hike with Jo and Warren and Rachel

  The highlight of the weekend was finding the thrilling geocache, The Darkness Beckons. Above, the trepid explorers set off, not knowing that that they would be wading through a canal going through a mountain, with just enough room between the water and the roof to fit a head in. What made it even more exciting were the many spiders crawling on the roof just above ones head, and the hundreds of bats flying around your face! Super fun, especiallly drifting backk down through the tunnel in the currrent.

Mr Warren in the entrance to the tunnel - at least the water was nice and warm!

Observe, if we zoom in on Mr Warrren, what a fantastic Blue Steel he does!

The adventurers about to set off.
Sadly, there are no photos in the tunnel, as I didn't want to ruin my camera :o(

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Wow, that old car was indeed cool for photos!! Some lovely shots. The geocache looks amazing though I wouldn't have been to thrilled about the spiders.