Thursday 7 April 2011

Chilean Miner Rescure

Stop the Press! News has reached my ears that there are a bunch of Chilean miners trapped in a mine in Cape Town, and are in desparate need of aid! This would be a dangerous mission for those brave enough to attempt any rescue, with perils of cliffs to be scaled and tiny mine shafts to be negotiated. I would need some help if I was going to attempt a daring rescue, so I enlisted the help of brave back up partner, Uncle Steve, and on the hottest day of the year, we braved the scorching heat of the Chilean desert, and off we went. After nearly dying from the heat, and getting lost on precarious cliff edges, we at last found the entrance to the mine. The entrance was daunting, with the tall cliffs almost getting the better of us, but we could not leave the miners stuck, so we overcame the risks, and reached the top of the cliffs. At the top we climbed into the mine, and what joy it was to reach the miners, safe and alive. But alas, we only had the equipment to save two miners, and so had to leave the rest, to be saved another day, but other brave souls.

Steve contemplates the climb to the mine entrance.

Heading up - don't slip!

Hooray, at the top, miner rescued and ready for the scary trip down!

Well, we didn't have too many photos of the mine rescue, due to the dangerous ascent, but after the mine rescue, we had to decend deeper into the bowels of the earth, to face the darkness in Tartatus cave.

Chilling out in the roomy entranceway.

Another cache found

Climbing up to escape, the hard way out.

Steve, feeling a bit down in the dumps

Coming up from a lower level

Oh right, the ruddy liars!

Watch out Steve, that corkscrew manouevre has pulled your pants down!

Coming out of the corkscrew

1 comment:

Graeme said...

you crazy guys!!