Thursday 9 June 2011

Cardiff - a trip to the park

 2 months ago I went to cardiff to visit Charline - finally managing to add the pics!
First day we went to visit some big country park outside of cardiff with some of charline's friends.

 Wow, this croc has a gnomes head in its mouth - vicious!

 Edvard Munch's "The scream" done in wood!

  We were in luck, they were setting up for a war renactment spectacle for the next day, so we got to see some interesting sights, including the army strorming the castle.

 Nazi youth alert!

 Big gun!
 Nice - Polo shirts, souverniers and swaztickas!

 Charlines housemate, the lovely Kim.

 Ai, not more nazis!

 Playing hide and seek down on the rocks


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