Sunday 25 September 2011


A while back I went to Alderney on a work trip for a few days, as we have a small office there.
Don't be fooled by the nice blue skies in the photos, it rained most of the time :o(

 A funky take on the traditional red London phone booths.

 All the streets are nicely cobbled, and as you can see, not too much traffic. No traffic lights on the island makes for relaxing driving!

 The island is full of world war 2 fortifications. John took me on a drive around the island to see most of them, but no nice photos due to the rain!

 Some more fortifications and look at that funky squash court by the sea. Coolest spot for a squash court I have seen!

 The PKR offices are right near the beach and harbour, allowing for lunch breaks sleeping on the beach - I think I should apply for a transfer there.

 John, the South African in charge.

 The island has 13 clay balls hidden around in different places. These are all made with a soft clay and have local bit and bobs in, so as the balls disintegrate, the bits inside get revealed.

1 comment:

Graeme said...

looks like a pretty relaxing place to work!