Sunday 30 October 2011

Cosplay 2

Thanks to Graeme for showing me how to add large photos to my blog, which has meant I had to change the layout. Hope you like the new one.
Anyway, back to some more cosplay outfits.

 Not quite Batman, more like batwolf!

 Gay Sinbad?

 The less said about this guy the better.

 Botched attempt at doing the YMCA

 There were lots of these type of guys around, apparently from some cumputer game called homestuck.

 The woman had amazing hand crafted wings and claws a lot of work going on here!

 Kriss Kross will make you . . jump, jump!!

 From some compter game called portal - never heard of that either.

 The juggernaut from X-men. This guy makes these moulds as a part time business, and is hoping to crack into the big leagues - a very impressive headpiece it was!

 Some "witches" from another computer game.

 Hooray, we managed to find Wally at last!!


1 comment:

Graeme said...

wow, boet, amazing, amazing, amazing! What an extraordinary number of brilliant costumes all in one place. I would have loved to have been there. Very well captured, sir...