Thursday 6 October 2011

London Zoo

Sadly I discovered my camera was set on low res pics when I got home from the zoo, so lots of photos came out a bit junk. Here are some which are ok.
 This gorilla was amazing, I really felt so sorry for him. At least he had a nice big outside play area and jungle gym, but zoos can make me very sad sometimes.

 ahh, yin and yang anteaters.
I think the animals I liked the best were the giant anteaters. I didn't manage to get a photo of them, but they were so cool with their amaxing patterns, long flighy tough, think rough hair, super long noses and giant claws folded up underneath them.

 Wow, that is a nasty bite!

There were some really amazing critters in the bugs section. Uurrghhh!! This guy was no exception!

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