Friday 23 December 2011

Streets of Trinidad

Don't get confused, besides being 1 half of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad is also a town in Cuba, where we spent 5 days. It is indeed a most charming and delightful town, one of the 7 original colonial towns in cuba, and was cut off from the rest of Cuba for quite a long time, I forget why.
The streets are mostly cobbled, and the buildings are largely charming old colonial sytle, with large rooms and very tall ceilings. They are all a wonderful collection of colours, and all starting to look a bit run down, to add to the charm.

This post is mainly just of the buildings around Trinidad, but I must admit, it is quite hard to capture the vibe of the place.

 Our taxi to our casa particular. Fun on the cobbled streets.

 This guy would be spotted on a regular basis, riding around on his donkey.

 Dominoes is a very popular pastime here, and we spotted these guys playing in the street on quite a few days.

 Inquisitive horse?

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Love the old man on the donkey.