Sunday 1 January 2012

Casa de la Musica

At night in Trinidad, part of the town square turns into Casa de la Musica, and there are bands doing some salsa music while everyone dances. They also put on regular free shows between the dancing, and the cobbled steps get full up pretty quick!

While Salsa is Zsuzsi's favourite thing in all the world, and the vibe is really great, the salsa rythmns don't really inspire me to dance, but when they did their african tunes, I felt inspired to dance, and Zsuzsi did not!

 These guys were pretty impressive. Here you see them lifting this girl in the air, by biting on the corner of the table, and then lifting her up like that - impressive!

 Getting ready to eat some glass. This guy came right up to me and chewed the glass so I could hear it grinding away in his mouth - crazy. He offered me a piece to try, but I must admit, it was a bit hard and flavourless!

 Getting ready to chop his head off - no wait, I mean to break the bottle on his stomache with the panga.


Graeme said...

Cool pics! Like the white ghost ones. I'm so impressed by all your pics, really amazing, Cuba looks like a fantastic place to visit. I just hope it doesn't change before I get to go.

Graeme said...

By the way, do you get a lot of spam on your blog comments? I'm getting a lot at the moment. Bit irritating.