Thursday, 12 January 2012

Cuba Miscellaneous

Well, our Cuban trip has come to an end, but fear not, more photos still to come!

 Cuba might be behind the western world in technology etc, but one thing where it is leaps ahead of anyone is its traffic lights. They count down in seconds in green and red when the lights are going to change, so drivers know how much time they have. A great idea, I think all countries should do this.

 Uno Perro loco!

 Szupermodel Szilagyi!

 Some of the local wildlife in Havana - swept over the barrier by the massive waves

 Susan did lots of salsa dancing, which is hard to miss in Cuba. I did 2 lessons, and while I enjoyed the first one, thanks to my charming Manchurian partner, I am not a massive salsa fan - perhaos if I has Susans skills, I would enjoy it a lot more!

 Our last day in Cuba, on the beach in Havana

 Interesting map of Cuba

 Cubans remind me a bit of South Africans with their handy craftmanship skills - they are also very partial to making tourist trinkets out of coke cans!

  The band at our beach restaurant in Havana - there I had one of the tastiest fishes I have had in a long time!

 Well done Susan for snappping this happy moment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi russell. Me and a friend(female) are planning a trip to cuba mid february 2017. After i spoke to your mom ( met her on the mountain yesterday) she said i could contact you for info. Would live to c a bee hummingbird and do some snorkeling. Any idea of where to go. And any ideas of good homestays.
