Saturday 26 October 2013

Maldives day 2

The second day started off slightly overcast as you can see below, but improved nicely. We pretty much spent the whole day snorkelling and pigging out - a great way to spend the day. Due to all the swimming, seems I didn;t take many photos on day 2!

 There was a super cute cat, who liked to hang out around our accomodation. Awwwww!

 An interesting tree, with all sorts of paraphenalia hanging off it - corals, dreancatchers etc. Not sure what the significance was though.

 In the evenings they sprayed the island to kill mosquitoes, so it was suggested you stay indoors at 5 if you don't like the smoke - it did a good job though, never saw any mosquitoes!

 Funky rubbish bins!

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