Thursday 10 October 2013

Tuk-Tuk mania

From Kamdelama, we wanted to head down to see the elephant orphanage back past Kandy, but it looked tricky to get there. We had a friendly Tuk-tuk driver that we trusted, and he advised us that it would be 4 buses taking 5 hours, so he offered a good price for the trip, saying it would take 3 hours.

The first 3 hours of the trip was fun, and he stopped to show us some interesting stuff on the way - however, his tuk-tuk was so bloody slow, that the last 3 hours were no fun at all!

 An interesting out-of-the-way temple en route

 We stopped by a roadside stall to get some jackfruit, which tastes like a mix of pineapple and mango - pleasant enough, but not quite as nice as either - pretty large fruit though!

 Jackfruit posing by our tuk-tuk

We meant to get a photo posing in the tuk-tuk with dear old Pele, but alas, this is the only photo we have of him.

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