Monday 25 August 2014

Notting Hill Carnival

This weekend I went to Notting Hill Carnival with Ian, it was pretty good at first, but then it started getting too crowded to take good photos, as everyone was getting in the way, and then trying to leave was tricky - took us forever!

  Graeme, this photo is just for you!

 Wheelchair floats. This lady was going to be very dizzy at the end, as her driver kept spinning her around!

 Pineapple Head!

 There were plenty of these folks in yellow shirts, with chocolate all over them Apparently they are called chocolate nation, and when they were around, the whole place smelled of cocoa powder!

 Grumpy dog

 Some cool graffiti


Graeme said...

Hey, very nice costumes! And cool graffiti. And I love the scantily clad babe - you know me so well!!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful collection of photos Russell. I didn't know you were so gifted behind the lens.
Anthea xxx

Anonymous said...

A wonderful collection of photos Russell. I didn't know you were so gifted behind the lens.
Anthea xxx