Sunday, 12 March 2017


The weather in Manchester was not so great for photos, so I don't have very many, but here is the rest of what I have.

 There were some lovely old Victorian buildings around the centre of town!

 Buddha Stormtrooper in a Thai restaurant - cool decor and delicious too!

 The highlight of Manchester was the museum of science and industry. They had some very good hands on displays and talks, including steam trains, and how the cotton industry was in Victorian times. Manchester used to be called Cottonopolis!
Times were reallly tough in the cotton mills back then, going deaf was standard with the job, and you had the risk of getting fingers mangled in whirring machines, being smacked in the head while crawling under moving machines picking up bits of cotton, and having sharp wooden bits shoooting off machines and skewering you in the stomache.
No cotton based photoes though, but here are some photos from the aircraft hangar instead.

 A motorbike for wheelchairs

 A very impressive, massive dual bladed helicopter.

 Kamikaze suicide planes

On the Sunday we did a charity walk around a park on the outskirts of manchester. This is the only photo I took in the park. There were promises of hairy coos, but we could not find them :o(

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