Last month I popped off to Budapest for a few days, so here are a few pics. Sadly the weather was not great, so the photos don;t have the best lighting, and I did get caught in a massive thunderstorm, and got completely soaked, as well as being shouted at by an armed guard at the houses of parliament while trying to shelter from the storm in an illegal place.
Not the famous chain bridge, supposedly designed by Mike Clarke's ancestor, but still looks pretty cool at night.
Funky view while out geocaching
The massive and impressive town market, full of everything you might want!
Budapest has one of the most impressive house of parilament builldings, seen here while doing a river cruise.
Wow, who knew Shakespeare had such a long foot.
Budapest has some funky statues dotted around town
I spent a few hours at the Szechenyi hot baths, which were inside a lovely old building, with 27 pool options and 3 lovely outdoor hot baths as well.
The fishermans bastion at night was amazing for photos with the sky such a lovely deep blue colour, and the orange lighting contrasting beautifully. Sadly my phoe batteries died while taking photos.
A really funky pub, where you draw on the back of the menu, and stick them on the roof and walls, with an excellent German folk band playing, a mean Goulash and a bowl of monkey nuts on the tables and you are encouraged to throw the shells on the floor!
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