Saturday 29 August 2015

Paros part 1

I arrived on Paros a few hours before Ian, so wandered down to the delightful harbour to look around.

 It seems that I was there on summer solstice, and Greeks tend to jump over fires to celebrate. The fires were made out of  some very fragrant bush so had an interesting aroma. Sadly, the owner of our hotel was a doctor on shift that night, and a baby had been dropped or pushed into a fire by mistake, and had some pretty nast burns.

 One of the many lovely outdoor restaurants

 Our local beach, Large Pepper. No the most pristine of soft sandy beaches, but lovely for a swim if you can handle the scorchingly hot sand to get to the water.

 Octopii hanging out to dry was a common sight.

 The local fort, and looking out of its many windows below.


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