Monday 31 August 2015

Paros part 2

Some more Paros photos for your enjoyment, starting off with some nice decorations.

 We took a short boat cruise up to the north-eastern tip of the island. Paros has 2 "horns" at the top, and our town, Naousa,  was between the 2 horns.

 Top modelling skills from Ian!

 We decided to hike over the hill to the other side of the peninsula to find some geocaches. It was a super hot day, and hark work over the scrubby bushes.

 The long slog.

 Weird! Giant aloe sculpture in someone's garden.

  Final cache nearly in hand!

 Alas, 2 days later, we thought we would try cycle up to the north-western horn to go to the water park, and find some more caches. Sadly the water park was not yet officially open, so we headed off cycling up the hill, but Ian pulled his front brake too hard and flipped his bike. I heard a thud and turned around to see him lieing in the street directly in front of a car.
I thought he had been hit, but luckily the car stopped in time and took us to the local hotel for help. It turned out Ian had broken both his wrists - ouch!
The owner of our guest house was a doctor, who happened to be on duty at the hospital, so he managed to patch Ian up with some splints. Luckily in was the 2nd last day, so not too much of the holiday was ruined.
Ian needed a metal plate put in one wrist back in London, and both wrists in plaster. Unucky guy!!

Here, Ian posed in front of an interesting sculpture - 2 cardboard boxes made out of stone.

 Back in Naousa, we decided to try a seafood platter for 2. only 25€ for both of us, and look at all that fish! Plus a huge Greek salad.

  Job done!

 Nice anchor!

Loved the herbs hanging on this staircase - great idea!

Sunset over the fort.

We love Paros!

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