Monday 7 September 2015

Good bye Sally

Today we had to say goodbye to our best friend and beloved companion, Sally, who has decided her work here is done after 20 years, and that she is off to chase the great squirrels in the sky.

Sally loved nothing more than a good solid hike up the mountain in her prime, and would rush ahead exploring, but always rush back to see that we were still there, but sometimes alas, things would get a bit hot for Sally, and I would have to carry her down the mountain - Sorry Sally! Sally is also well known fer her derring-do antics in being smuggled into the Paarl Nature Reserve at Graeme's feet, as well as her bravery in overcoming her great fear of the sea when she first moved to Cape Town, and her dangerous love of chocolate.

Everyone who met Sally agreed that she was one of the finest dogs they were ever likely to meet, and many people thought of her more as a human - although admitttedly not so after she had been indulging in one of  her favourite hobbies, of rolling in some pretty smelly stuff!
Sally will always be remembered for her high pitched squeals of delight whenever we would return home, her boundless enthusiasm in trying to climb trees to get those darn squirrels, the way the white tip of her tail would carve a line of happiness through the air, and her charming and delightful smile.

And so with tears in my eyes, I thank you Sally for all the wonderful times you have given us and all the people you have brought happiness to, and you will be forever remembered.

Good bye, Sally, to me you will always stay "the best little doggie in the whole wide world"!

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