Sunday 13 September 2015


So, back to Greece - boy is this taking me forever to do!!!
After Ian left, I took a boat over to Antiparos for the day, as I heard they have a great cave, and I love caves!

 Arriving at the jetty on the ferry

 Nice place for lunch!

 Errr, is there some kind of major nazi crisis in Antiparos that this restaurant felt they needed to put this sign up?

 So, it was a bus trip to the cave, which had the fantastic name of "The Cave! - ingenious! Entrance just on the left.

 Going down!

 It was quite a spectacular cave, which kept on going down and down, with some impressively big caverns. All very yellow though!

 Seems I wore the perfect colour scheme for the cave.

Blending in

 That floor looks painful to fall on.

 After the cave, I did some slogging around in the heat to find 3 geocaches - hard work, but rewarding

 I love me some Soul Sugar!

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