Monday 23 May 2011

White water rafting

This weekend I went white water rafting in the apprent olympic white water rafting centre, just on the edge of London. Its a man made course, and while super fun, I was surprised at how shoert it is for an Olympic event - although we did get a few laps.

The brave adventurers set off - a tad late, after getting lost :o(

 Sails up!

 Who is driving this darn thing!?

 All hands on deck!

 Stop throwing water at me!


 What goes down, doesn't always come up.

 Hang on!

 Nelly looks dazed after falling out.

 Easy does it.
 Full steam ahead

 Wave alert!

 Toy soldiers
 Have a look on the left of the boat - do you see 2 feet sticking up from the water?  - thats me!

Overboard, and a lovely swim it was!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Heh, it looks super fun!!!
Wish I'd been there. / G