Saturday 16 July 2011


 Hooray, Alison and her brother came over from America to visit for a few days before their big Euro trip! It was great to hang out with them, although sadly it rained every day they were here!

Even sadder, I never got to visit them in Budapest or Dubrovnik, as it was just too late to get things sorted. Bloody SA passport!!!


 Fun on the tube

 Fun in picadilly circus. Afterwards we went off to leicester square, where we were lured into a budget comedy club. It was in the basement of some dodgy hotel, and there were 2 rows of chairs , 5 chairs per row. Even then the show was not fulll, so a total of 7 people in the audience!  With us being in the front row, and the comedians standing on the floor right in front of you, you sure do get picked on a lot! Bu it was super fun, a really great but weird way to spend the evening.


 Fun on the train!

 St Pauls

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