Saturday 23 July 2011

Tate Modern

Alison, Colin and I went to the Tate Modern, because with all the darn rain this summer, what else can one do!

Ah no, someone has sliced my canvas :o(
 Put your hands up in the air, and wave those . . . like you just don't care

 Mutant blob from outer space?

Warning, may cause epilepsy!
 Andy Warhol

 Boom Boom Pow!

This was a really coool painting. When you looked at it your eyes went completely squiffy and everything in the painting started to move. Super funky!
Is it a mirror, or is it art?
A woman's work is never done.
This was great, an inverted staircase in a lovely reddish ambiented room.
What was the most fun in the museum, although I don't have a photo, was a large chess board like thing in the middle of the floor. You are allowed to walk on it, but many people would walk through the room looking at other things and not even see it. So Alison and I would pretend to be looking at the paintings, and when some victim would walk over the chessboard, Alison would jump out at them with a concerned look on her face, telling them to get off the art. They would all be supersurprised, and leap of in a startled mannner, while we chuckled gleefully. I could have done that all day, even the Tate guard didn't mind when Alison leapt out at him, not knowing he worked there!

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