Monday 19 December 2011

Cayo Justias

We were only supposed to stay 2 nights in Vinales. However, after our long horse riding trip, we got back to realise it was Sunday, and there was no way to exchange money. We didn't have enough cash to pay our accomodation, so had to stay an extra night to change money on Monday.
This worked out quite well, as we got to take a trip to Cayo Justias, a lovely beach indeed, and our first of the trip, where we lazed around, and took a pedalo out to the reef to do some snorkeling.

The fish and coral were great, although I must admit, our typical ladies man guide pissed me off a bit - he was the typical guy you always see in movies, trying to use his beach hunk charm to steal  whatever ladies he can from the hero of the movie! Shame on him!

 Susan goes for a walk, and does some lounging around in the sea.

 That sure looks like a comfy tree!

 Interesting critters on the beach.  Look at the eye on this dude living in his shell below!

 We manouvred around the mangrove trees on one side of the beach to get to the beach on the other side. We had the whole big beach to ourselves, and got to do some funky posing by the fish trying structure (I think)

 Nearing the end of the day :o(

Good bye dear beach, we love you :o)


Graeme said...

Looks idyllic. Nice leaps. Love the light sparkle in the sun glasses. Nice figure in the bikini too

Anonymous said...

Smart selection of our Cayo Justias pictures, we spent a fun day there and it's a shame that we couldn't take underwater snapshots meanwhile snorkelling, next time!

Graeme said...

Hey, Rusty, I'm loving the big pictures on your blog!! Really shows off your photography skills. Now, like me, you need to go back and upsize all 2672 of your previous photos like I did. No, you say? Where is your dedication?