Monday 12 December 2011

Cigar farm

During the horse trip, we stopped off at a tobacco farm, to see how cigars are made.

 Start off with some dried tobacco leaves (after Fidel has taken 90% of course!)

 Rolling the leaves. Different types of cigars are blended with different variety of leaves in different amounts.

 For a bit of extra flavour, sealing the cigar with honey.


 I have never had a puff of a cigarette in my life (thanks to all the bloody smoke on the school bus, I have never needed to!), but thought I'd better give the cigar a go. I stand by my theory, not an experience to be repeated in a hurry!

 Zsuzsi seems a bit more at home with a cigar!

 Despite the disgusting taste, I must admit, a big cigar in ones mouth makes one look good!

 Zsuzsi succumbs to the deadly combination of Mojitos and cigars!

 After the cigar, 3 mojitos were definately needed to get that taste out of my mouth! This chap made the tastiest mojitos in Cuba, and uses honey instead of sugar - good idea!
And they really helped with the horse riding home afterwards too!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Nice cigars. Bill Clinton has forever tainted my image of cigars. Those drinks look delicious.