Sunday 11 December 2011

Vinales - horse riding

After Havana, we went to Vinales, a small country town where a lot of the tobacco farms are. Vinales is in an interesting area, covered with strage mountains, similar to the ones in Vietnam and Thailand.

One of the highlights was a 5 hour horse riding trip. At first it was a bit painful (especially on the bollocks) but once we got it right, when that horse moved up into canter mode, it was such a great feeling, zooming along in harmony with the horse!

 Zsuzsi and Caramello

 My dear horse Palomo.

 A tobacco drying shed. The Cuban government takes 90% of the tobacco, and the farmers can sell the rest.

 Our cowboy guide, Miguel.

 Stopping at a lake for a swim


Anonymous said...

Hey Russell:-)! Lovely pictures, we had a great time on the farm and on the way back home, half tipsy:-), but we had the best canter ever that time!

Graeme said...

That looks totally awesome.