Tuesday 27 December 2011

In Trinidad

Here is a random collection of us stuffing around in Trinidad

 Posing in our casa particular

 Our dear friend, Pizza Amigo, makes us one of his delicious street pizzas, out of his homemade pizza oven - looks like he used an old oil drum or something like that - super ingenious!
His Pizzas were so great, I spent the rest of the stay in Trinidad trying to get more, but he always closed early and we missed him, or we couldn't find his place in the confusing streets, so we had to make do with low grade substitutes :o(

 Buying a pawpaw for  breakfast - hard to eat a whole one with just your hands!

 This weird guy had built a fake tv camera out of a box and water bottles, and was interviewing tourists in the sreet - a novel way of getting some tips!

 Susan doing some more wheeling and dealing to satisfy her regular banana cravings.

 The owners of our casa particular. What super kind and friendly folks they were, always laughing and joking - pity I couldn't understand most of her many stories!

 We had a hammock on the roof patio  - susan looks like she is enjoying it :o)

 On the steps in the main square

 At our casa particular we met this lovely couple, Mariette and Remco. Remco has one of the coolest names, Remco Oldebeesten - said in the correct exaggerated Dutch accent, it sounds a treat!

 Dinner at the casa particular. we went for the Langoustine, which wasn't my cup of tea, but Zsuzsi loved it.

 Also at the casa particular we met this interesting Canadian couple. They had just got married the previous week, and were here on their honeymoon. They thought that as their kids were grown up and out of the house, they might as well get married!

 Sunset from our roof patio

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Those black and white photos of you and Zsuzsi look very film noir. I can almost hear the sound track.