Thursday 15 December 2011

Vinales Miscellaneous

 On the way to Vinales, the bus made a detour for a short stop at these lovely cascades. Not that we saw much in the way of cascades.

 Heading into Vinales

 Rush hour traffic in Vinales

Cock on a bike
 Around Vinales (and all of Cuba) there are a lot of these Turkey Vultures flyinging all over the place - a lovely sight.

 We did a hop on hop off bus tour around the valley - a pleasant ride indeed.

 We stayed in a super lovely casa particular, which sadly had not been doing much business, due to so much competition. We did our best to drum up business for them as we travelled. Above is their lovely pooch, hanging out on the roof where I slept a good portion of the night on - I sure miss sleeping under the stars :o(

 Every 2nd house in Vinales has wondeful rocking chairs outside, where people can sit and enjoy the afternoon smoking their cigars and watching folk walk past.

 I think I look much better in black and white than in full colour - and I think my friend Fidel would agree.

 I think Zsuzsi looks much better in colour than in black and white - and I think my friend Fidel would agree.

Yumm, the owner of our Casa Particular was a delicious cook, and she really piled on the food. We kept on telling her to not make so much, just a bit, but it kept on coming! This is a traditional Cuban soup, Potaje, made largely of black beans - doesn't sound nice, doesn't look nice, but sure tastes delicious!!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Love the cock on the bike! Those beans looks disgusting!!! But I'll take your word for it that they were delicious.