Saturday 28 September 2013

Sri Lanka - Kandy

After Negombo we headed inland to Kandy on a hot and crowded bus, although with some entertaining live singing and skilled tambourine playing on the bus.
First impression of Kandy on arriving at the bus stop is of a super crowded busy town, with no where to walk aong the road and buses threatening to run you down constantly. After escaping the mayhem of the bus stop, Kandy turned out to be pretty nice, centered around a lovely lake teaming with fish and iguanas.

 Chilling by the lake, just before a major downpour

 That is one lazy looking iguana!

Iguanas are pretty cool when they swim, not using their limbs at all, preferring to swim like a snake.

 The Temple of the Toooth - supposedly housing one of Buddha's teeth.

 Inside an old bathing temple.

 Boet said the lake here reminded him of the Swiss lake region, and this island in the middle certainly added to that feel.
The only thing the lake needed was a few places next to the lake to get some nice food or drink - definately a good growth opportunity here!

 An elephant taking his lunch for a walk.

 Outside the Temple of the Tooth are many flowers sellers, as its tradional to offer flowers at the temple.

The balcony of our hotel overlooking the lake - nice old fashioned colonial style to it.

In Kandy, we also went out to a delicious local dinner, with a super range of vegetable curries, including an umbrella fruit curry, which was really weird - full of tough fibrous bits.
Otherwise we did not feel an urge to stay in Kandy for more than a day, although it seems we missed out on their botanical gardens, which look pretty good.

1 comment:

Graeme said...

I'm enjoying your photos. Cool iguanas! Wish I'd been there with you guys. Look forward to seeing the next instalment.