Sunday 20 October 2013

Maldives - a bird's eye view

While in Sri Lanka, we decided that some hard core relaxing was needed to escape tuk-tuk stress, so decided to pop off to the Maldives for 2 days, and what  a great decision it was!
Just flying over the atolls was amazing, it looks so gorgeous from above.
I was lucky to get caught in a 20 minute holding pattern about the airport, so had good time for lots of photos.

I did not  take the below 2 photos, but thought I would include them here to show you how intereting Male is. Male is the capital city of the Maldives, and is the smallest capital city in the world. It is a lot more Muslim than I had thought, and no dogs or religious items of a non-muslim nature are allowed into the country. The city does not allowed any alcohol, but its allowed on the resorts.
It really is an incredible city to behold, lots of fairly tall brightly coloured buildings packed onto a pretty small island, going right up to the edge of the sea.
The Maldives also has the world's only Coke factory which makes Coke from desalinated sea water!

 Maldives International Airport - How many airports get to have their own island?

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