Monday 14 October 2013


After the elphant sanctuary, followed by 1 night in Colombo, we headed down south to the beaches. First stop was 2 nights in Unawatuna.
Unawatuna has a fairly pleasant beach, and a nice backpackery vibe with lots of nice places to eat along the beach.

 Great place for a pizza!

 Unawatuna beach

 We ate at a great restaurant, where Boet had these giant prawns, which were really delicious.

We stayed in a lovely room in a very peaceful garden. As usual, the occasional monkey was to be seen.

 In side our room - nice lighting.

 We decided to try an Ayurvedic massage, which was OK, but perhaps a bit too much weird herbal oil for my liking, and the moves were a bit too fast, so overall I was not a big fan of Ayurveda.

 Sri Lanka is full of dogs everywhere. They tend to mainly hang out on main roads, risking their lives constantly. There are 2 main breeds of dogs in Sri Lanka - the little brown number, and the little mottled number - here I am posing with a little brown number.

 Just a short bus ride from Unawatuna, we found this lovely secluded beach.

 Looking good!

 Boet took the great pic - well done sir!

 Uber-model Boet!

 A weird square sea nut type thing

 The south coast is full of these perches in the sea, where fisherman sit to do their fishing. Supposedly the perches are passed down from family to family and there is prime fishing from then - its not clear whether they earn more from the fishing, or charging tourists to take photos of them fishing!
Doesn't look too comfy though.

Boet was delighted to see this island, as he had just 30 minutes before been telling me about a cooking show he saw, where some rich British chap had bought an island in the area, and what a lovely house he had on the island - when lo and behold, there was the island - indeed a nice place to live!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Those prawn look really delicious.