Thursday 16 January 2014

Last Tuesday Society Masked Ball

On New Year's Eve Eve, I went to the delightful Last Tuesday Society Masked ball.
I am posting this late as I was waiting for Shak to send me some pics he took at the event, but seems you can't rely on Shak for that!
I was quite stressed for a week or 2 about what to wear, as lets face it, women get all the nice clothing options, and it was so hard to find something interesting, even in Camden - unless you wanted to fork out megabucks!
Luckily I found this great jacket on the internet, and got some nice accoutrements to go with it, so was looking dapper!

 The boy with the dragon tattoo

 I put a spell on you!

 Ian in classic venetian mask.

 With a pretty fancy shirt and jacket too!

 On the tube - 3 very young girls were amazed by me, and started asking all sorts of questions, so I told them I was a magician called Mr Mephisto, on a way to a show.
As we were leaving they started following me down the stairs instead of following their parents, who had to rush back to retrieve them!

 Inside the cage on the dance floor with Anne, Renee and Shak. There was an fantastic band, with a celtic bellydancing kind of vibe.

 with Renee and Chetna

 Tied to the cross in the dungeon.
We were just chilling in the cage in the dungeon, watching some lady get spanked, when someone locked us inside the cage, with suggestions to start pleasuring each other. Although he let us out right away when I asked, I started to freak out inside - my claustrophobia really has been getting quite bad the last few years, even though it is selective.

Other highlights of the night was being served food by the naked gold servers, and some weird cabaret acts, including lizard burlesque.
I plumb missed the Arse of Almande Magdalene and the scary animal menagerie, and the naked drawing, but fear not, I am booked in for the Valentines day full moon ball, with more debauchery I am sure.
You can see some of the official pics of the evening on their site:



Graeme said...

Oh wow, that looks like so much fun. And you looked really, really great. Wish I coulda been there.

Graeme said...

By the way, I love your animated gif. I must learn to do that.