Saturday 5 April 2014

Skiing in Tignes

Just got back from my 2nd ski trip for the year, this time in Tignes. I was a bit nervous, as my knees were still sore from my previous ski trip, but this time the skiing seemed to sort them out :o)

 The first day was freezing, with some snow and massive wind chill, and you could feel your nostril hairs freezing, ready to snap off! It was tough going, so we were relieved that the rest of the week was lovely and sunny!

 Shak shows off some of his best ski skills

 Super cool!

 Tignes is set in a lovely valley, with connections to about 5 little towns in nearby valleys, so there are lots of different mountains and valleys to explore - there are 96 ski lifts, and 300km of ski slopes (150 pistes) to ski!

 Orange - a pretty tough and long red slope!

 The lovely Valerie, who I went skiing with on a few occasions

 La Dailles, at the bottom of Orange - cool building

 Funicular tunnel going through the mountain

This is the best night club! Loud music pumping around the valley, and you ski up, do some dancing in the fresh air, and ski back before the lifts close and you are stuck on the mountain!

 Cable car heading down to Tignes

2 Mr Cool's, David and Paul

 This trip I did my first black run, and by the end I did 7, some really hard, some which felt like easy reds! Heading down the fairly easy black "descente" piste.

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