Monday, 3 August 2015

Olšanské hřbitovy

Final batch of Prague photos! Seems we fitted a lot in for 3 days!
One afternoon in Prague, I was exhausted after a short bit of geocaching in the hot sun, so noticed a big green park on the map, next to a tube station called Flora. Of course, I thought with the name Flora, it would be a lovely botanical garden, but in turned out to be Prague's largest cemetary, Olšanské hřbitovy.
How very relaxing it was in the cool shade under the trees, with plenty of birds twittering, and the many old graves being overrun with ivy, and large old masoleums crumbling with age.
A lovely place to speand 2 hours, and great for photos.



 The ground was full of these beetles - I did not notice this one was laying eggs while I was taking a photo, and only spotted that now. Seems a silly place to lay eggs though. (I presume those are eggs!)

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Wow, these photos are the bomb! You've really captured the spirit of the place. So much for graveyards being morbid places. So much peace and beauty here.