Monday 12 August 2013

Chamonix - Canyoning

Day 2 was off to the Swiss border for some canyoning, swimming and abseiling and jumping along a river - pretty freezing water in the Alps, even in summer!

For some weird reason, the guide made us put our wetsuits on, and then slog up a steep hill in the forest for 30 minutes in the heat - why we couldn't have carried the wetsuits I don;t know, it was bloody hot!

 group ready for action - Sandra, Charlotte, Marion, Ian, me and Morgane

 Ian and I had some disposable underwater cameras, but sometimes they got a bit fogged up, and as we were not used to them, some of the photos came out pretty badly! Here I am abseiling into the river.

 Sliding down the slippery rock slides

 Jumping into rock pools

 This was great fun, a pretty high abseil down a waterfall - those rocks were really slippery!

The end to a fantastic day!

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Looks amazing, especially going down the waterfall!