Thursday 17 October 2013

Blue whales

The south coast of Sri Lanka is one of the best places in the world to see blue whales (as well as sperm whales), so we went on a nice long boat trip to go and see the big brutes.

 Matata harbour, where the boats leave from, has some delightful multi-coloured boats.

 Out at open sea, and after an hour and a half of rough seas (Yay fun!!), we had a few people throwing up on the boat, the poor devils!

 We managed to see about 5 or 6 blue whales I think, and we really enjoyed the trip, and were pleased to get to see them, although admittedly, as whales go, they were not the most exciting ones - probably a bit too big to jump out and perform lots of stunts - although we did see a mother and baby.

It was very hard trying to get any decent photos of the whales - these 2 are the best I got - a tiny glimpse of back and tail. Interestingly, the blue whale has a very small dorsal fin, a bit like a sharks.

waving good bye.

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Seeing a blue whale is on my bucket list!